Term | Description |
statistics |
Summarized information about the web system usage appropriate to selected domain and metrics for current month. |
ANLDE system | Associated with a formal grammar, NLDE system. See [2,6]. |
CF-grammar | Context-free grammar |
CS | Computer Science |
CSDept | Computer Science Department.
The PetrSU CSDept web-site is http://www.cs.karelia.ru |
Constraints | Upper limits for some parameters needed by a solver or generator. |
Generator | External algorithm used for ANLDE systems and system sets generation depending on given generation parameters. |
Hilbert basis | A set of all indecomposable (minimal) solutions of a homogeneous NLDE system. |
ILP | Integer linear programming |
Indecomposable solution | A particular solution that is not a sum of two particular solutions. |
lp_solve | The non-commercial linear programming code,
written in ANSI C by Michel Berkelaar.
Also it supports ILP problems. Available on
http://www.cs.sunysb.edu/~algorith/implement/lpsolve/implement.shtml |
NLDE | Nonnegative linear Diophantine equations, i.e. their solutions are in nonnegative integers and coefficients are integer. See for example [9,10,11]. |
solution |
Any non-trivial solution of a homogenous NLDE system. |
PetrSU | Petrozavodsk State University, http://petrsu.karelia.ru |
Registered user | A user who has complete the registration at Web-SynDic and got a user profile (nickname and password). |
Regular user | Any user of the Web-SynDic system. She/He is identified by user ID. |
Session | Web-SynDic logical session for continuous time period of user working with the Web-SynDic server. |
Slopes | Algorithm of M.Filgueiras and A.-P.Tomás
for searching Hilbert basis of a homogenous NLDE system,
available on
http://www.ncc.up.pt/~apt/dioph/ |
Solver | External algorithm used for solving ANLDE systems and system sets. |
Algorithms |
The algorithms that solve ANLDE system by constructing some derivations in the corresponding formal grammar, see [7,6]. Web-SynDic is intended to demonstrate and test such algorithms. |
administrator |
Privileged user who manages and controls the web system. |
Trivial solution | All-zero solution
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Web-SynDic | It stands for Web-based demonstrating and testing
the Syntactic algorithms for solving nonnegative
linear Diophantine equations (rule tact
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Kirill Kulakov 2005-12-04 |