
Term Description
Summarized information about the web system usage appropriate to selected domain and metrics for current month.
ANLDE system Associated with a formal grammar, NLDE system. See [2,6].
CF-grammar Context-free grammar
CS Computer Science
CSDept Computer Science Department.
The PetrSU CSDept web-site is
Constraints Upper limits for some parameters needed by a solver or generator.
Generator External algorithm used for ANLDE systems and system sets generation depending on given generation parameters.
Hilbert basis A set of all indecomposable (minimal) solutions of a homogeneous NLDE system.
ILP Integer linear programming
Indecomposable solution A particular solution that is not a sum of two particular solutions.
lp_solve The non-commercial linear programming code, written in ANSI C by Michel Berkelaar. Also it supports ILP problems. Available on
NLDE Nonnegative linear Diophantine equations, i.e. their solutions are in nonnegative integers and coefficients are integer. See for example [9,10,11].
Any non-trivial solution of a homogenous NLDE system.
PetrSU Petrozavodsk State University,
Registered user A user who has complete the registration at Web-SynDic and got a user profile (nickname and password).
Regular user Any user of the Web-SynDic system. She/He is identified by user ID.
Session Web-SynDic logical session for continuous time period of user working with the Web-SynDic server.
Slopes Algorithm of M.Filgueiras and A.-P.Tomás for searching Hilbert basis of a homogenous NLDE system, available on
Solver External algorithm used for solving ANLDE systems and system sets.
The algorithms that solve ANLDE system by constructing some derivations in the corresponding formal grammar, see [7,6]. Web-SynDic is intended to demonstrate and test such algorithms.
Privileged user who manages and controls the web system.
Trivial solution All-zero solution $ \mathbb{O}=(0,\ldots,0)$ of a homogeneous NLDE system.
Web-SynDic It stands for Web-based demonstrating and testing the Syntactic algorithms for solving nonnegative linear Diophantine equations (rule tact $ \rightarrow$ D is used to transform the string ``Syntactic'' to the string ``SynDic'').

Kirill Kulakov 2005-12-04