Web-SynDic allows to generate ANLDE systems instead of manual input. Such a generated system characterized with simple Hilbert basis. The reason is that the generation is based on original methods by Kirill Kulakov [8]. These methods were also used for comprehensive automatic testing of the syntactic solver.
For generating one ANLDE system use ANLDE system link in the left-side part of main form. This link opens Process an ANLDE System form. Press button Generate and Web-SynDic returns this form with generated ANLDE system.
To save an ANLDE system, shown in System text field, click on the Save button, You will see a new browser window containing the ANLDE system. Then you can save it in a text file using standard browser features like ``Save As...'' item of the ``File'' menu.
More detailed information on generating ANLDE systems can be found in section 3.3.1.
Kirill Kulakov 2005-12-04 |