Petrozavodsk State University
Department of Computer Science

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Web System for Demonstrating the Syntactic Algorithms for Solving Linear Equations in Nonnegative Integers

Dear Visitors!

It is my pleasure to present to you Web-SynDic, a student software engineering project. Web-SynDic creates a web system to demonstrate and to distribute independently the testing of a novel syntactic algorithm for finding integer nonnegative solutions (Hilbert basis) of a Linear Diophantine system of Equations with integer coefficients (Nonnegative LDE or NLDE).

Web-SynDic was the first student team project based upon the required "Software Engineering" lecture course in the computer science program. Researcher, Dr. Dmitry Korzun, developed, proved, and implemented the algorithm independently beyond the framework of the project and postgraduate student, Kirill Kulakov, widely tested the implementation. The project began in June of 2003 and the team implemented it in two phases: June 2003—March 2004 and August 2004—November 2004.

We have now decided to publish the results of the project to foster its testing in a worldwide community of scholars. Before doing this, we would like you to experiment with our results. We sincerely appreciate your remarks regarding the algorithm as well as the software. Kindly direct your comments to Dr. Dmitry Korzun at the address:

Dr. Yury A. Bogoyavlenskiy
Head of the Department of Computer Science
Petrozavodsk State University

The Web-SynDic system overview

Version 1.0
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Web-SynDic Team