Petrozavodsk State University
Department of Computer Science

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Bibliography on the ANLDE Theory

  1. Miguel Filgueiras, Ana-Paula Tomas. Solving Linear Constraints on Finite Domains through Parsing. In P. Barahona, L. Moniz Pereira, A. Porto (eds.), Proceedings of the 5th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Springer-Verlag, 1991. LNAI 541. pp.1-16.

  2. Yury A. Bogoyavlensky, Dmitry G. Korzun, General solution of a linear diophantine system associated with a context-free grammar. Transactions of the Petrozavodsk State University, issue on Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, vol.6. Petrozavodsk, 1997. pp.79-94. (In Russian. Obshchiy vid resheniya sistemy lineynih diophantovih uravneniy, associirovannoy s kontextno-svobodnoy grammatikoy. Trudy Petrozavodskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Ser. "Prikladnaya matematika i informatika". Vyp.6.)

  3. Dmitry G. Korzun, Solution for one class of a linear diophantine equations by methods of the formal languages theory. Transactions of the Petrozavodsk State University, issue on Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, vol.7. Petrozavodsk, 1998. pp.93-116. (In Russian. Reshenie odnogo klassa lineynih diophantovih uravneniy v neotricatel'nih celyh chislah metodami teorii formal'nih yazykov. Trudy Petrozavodskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Ser. "Prikladnaya matematika i informatika". Vyp.7.)

  4. Dmitry G. Korzun, On the existance of a generating CF-grammar for arbitrary linear diophantine system. Transactions of the Petrozavodsk State University, issue on Mathematics, vol.6. Petrozavodsk, 1999. pp.34-40. (In Russian. O sushchestvovanii porozhdayushchey KS-grammatiki dlya proizvol'noy lineynoy diophantovoy sistemy. Trudy Petrozavodskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Ser. "Matematika". Vyp.6.)

  5. Dmitry G. Korzun, Grammar-Based Algorithms for Solving Certain Classes of Nonnegative Linear Diophantine Systems. Transactions of the international seminar Finnish Data Processing Week at the University of Petrozavodsk (FDPW'2000): Advances in Methods of Modern Information Technology. Vol.3. Petrozavodsk, 2001. pp.52-67.

  6. Dmitry G. Korzun, On a relation between formal grammars and systems of linear diophantine equations. Bulletin of young scientists. Issue on Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, No 3, 2000. pp.34-40. (In Russian. Ob odnoy vazaimosvyazi formal'nyh grammatik i sistem lineynih diophantovih uravneniy. Vestnik molodyh uchenyh. Ser. "Prikladnaya matematika i mehanika", 2000, N3.)

  7. Dmitry G. Korzun, Syntactic Algorithms for Solving Nonnegative Linear Diophantine Equations and their Application for Modelling of Internet Link Workload Structure. PhD Thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Petrozavodsk, 2002. 185p. (in Russian)

  8. Dmitry G. Korzun, Kirill A. Kulakov Generating Homogeneous Systems of Equations for Testing and Experimental Analysis of Linear Diophantine Solvers Transactions of the international seminar Finnish Data Processing Week at the University of Petrozavodsk (FDPW'2003): Advances in Methods of Modern Information Technology. Vol.5. Petrozavodsk, 2005. pp.259-278.

  9. Dmitry G. Korzun Syntactic Methods in Solving Linear Diophantine Equations Transactions of the international seminar Finnish Data Processing Week at the University of Petrozavodsk (FDPW'2004): Advances in Methods of Modern Information Technology. Vol.6. Petrozavodsk, 2005. pp.151-156.

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