
Algorithms Configuration

One of the important Web-SynDic features is ability to configure external algorithms used for generation and solving ANLDE systems. The algorithms are configured by setting restrictions (limits and parameters). Each restriction has two items: current value and maximum value. The values of items should be integers greater than zero except ``maximum number of basis solutions in report'' which can be set to zero.

Algorithms configuration form allows to configure solver limits (section 3.2.1), generator limits (section 3.2.2), and generator parameters (section 3.2.3). Example of Algorithms Configuration form is shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Algorithms Configuration
\epsfig{file=screenshots/alg-configuration.eps, width=0.77\textwidth}\end{figure}

Solver limits

User can set the following solver limits:

Max. CPU time for solving
-- maximum CPU time in seconds for solving one task, i.e. single ANLDE system or ANLDE system set. If sum of CPU work times is greater than the restriction then the solving process is interrupted with corresponding error message.

Max. memory for solving
-- maximum virtual memory for each solving process. If amount of memory exceeds the limit then the solving process is interrupted with corresponding error message.

Max. number of basis solutions in report
-- maximum number of basis solutions in report. If number of solutions exceeds this limit then other solutions are left out.

User is unable to set restrictions for ANLDE systems such us maximum number of equations in ANLDE system. The Web-SynDic system uses maximum values for these restrictions which are described in section 3.2.3.

Generator Limits

User can set the following generator limits:

Max. CPU time for generation
-- maximum CPU time for ANLDE system generation. If CPU work time is greater than the restriction then the generation process is interrupted with corresponding error message.

Max. memory for generation
-- maximum virtual memory for each generation process. If amount of memory exceeds the limit then the generation process is interrupted with corresponding error message.

Generator Parameters

User can set various parameters for generation process but in some cases (for example if number of unknowns is much greater than the number of equations and number of solutions is rather small) generator is unable to generate an ANLDE system.

The generator has the following parameters:

Number of equations in ANLDE system
-- number of equations in each generated ANLDE system. The number of equations should be less than the number of unknowns.

Number of unknowns in ANLDE system
-- number of unknowns in each generated ANLDE system. The number of unknowns should be greater than the number of equations.

Number of ANLDE systems in set
-- Number of ANLDE systems in generated set. This parameter is not used while generating single ANLDE system.

Max. values of coefficients for ANLDE system
-- maximum value of coefficients in generated ANLDE system.

Max. values of components in basis solution
-- maximum value of components in basis solutions.

Max. number of basis solutions for ANLDE system
-- maximum number of basis solutions for ANLDE system.

Kirill Kulakov 2005-12-04