User management

One of the specific administrator options is ability to manage other users. The user management means viewing and changing any existing user information and removing user accounts. Follow Manage Users link to get User Management form, see Fig. 24.

Figure 24: User management
\epsfig{file=screenshots/admin-user-management.eps, width=0.7\textwidth}\end{figure}

To manage a user you need to enter nickname into the form and press Get Profile button. If you have administrator privileges and the nickname is valid, you will see the standard form for editing user profile (see section 3.7). If any error has been occurred you get a message with the error description. After editing the information do not forget to press Submit button, if you want the changes to be saved.

Be careful while changing password and especially removing accounts, you may easily remove even administrator account.

Kirill Kulakov 2005-12-04